Turn to the gita for answers to your deepest questions

Sringeri Jagadguru Sri Sri Abhinava Vidyateertha Mahaswamiji: What is the philosophy expounded by Bhagawan Krsna to Arjuna? Does Bhagawan declare that liberation can be attained only by the realisation of one's true nature or does He opine that actions are also directly responsible for liberation? Is it the view of Bhagawan that there are many Atmans and a real world or does the Lord hold that the Atman is really none other than the Supreme and that the world is not absolutely real?

4/23/20242 min read

Sringeri Jagadguru Sri Sri Abhinava Vidyateertha Mahaswamiji: What is the philosophy expounded by Bhagawan Krsna to Arjuna? Does Bhagawan declare that liberation can be attained only by the realisation of one's true nature or does He opine that actions are also directly responsible for liberation? Is it the view of Bhagawan that there are many Atmans and a real world or does the Lord hold that the Atman is really none other than the Supreme and that the world is not absolutely real?

To answer these queries, it is obviously imperative that we turn to the #BhagawadGita itself. Bhagawan points out to Arjuna the immortality of the Atman and its total distinction from the body and bodily attributes.

"The Atman is not born nor does it die nor does it cease to be. It is unborn, eternal, unchangeable and ancient. It is not killed when the body is killed." Such unequivocal declarations that the Atman is distinct from the body are commonly found in the Gītā. The Lord has equally clearly asserted that the Atman is untainted by any bodily activity and that it is devoid of action. For instance, He has said, "Having no origin and bereft of qualities, this imperishable Atman, though dwelling in the body, neither acts nor is tainted." What is it then that acts? The Lord has clarified in various places by utterances such as, "The gunas of nature perform all activity. The one whose understanding has been clouded by egoism feels, 'I am the doer'." From such pronouncements, it is patent that the Atman is actionless and totally untainted.

How indeed is it possible for such an Atman to really suffer bondage? The Lord's declarations would be readily meaningful if bondage is not real and is caused by ignorance. The Lord says, "He sees truly who sees that all actions are done by nature alone and that the Atman is actionless." The view that true knowledge destroys ignorance and results in liberation is explained by Krsna by words such as,

श्रद्धावाँल्लभते ज्ञानं तत्परः संयतेन्द्रियः।

ज्ञानं लब्ध्वा परां शान्तिमचिरेणाधिगच्छति।।4.39।।

"He who has faith and is intent upon knowledge and has restrained the senses obtains true knowledge. Having attained knowledge, he immediately attains peace."

Excerpt from The Multifaceted Jivanmukta (written by realised being Sri Umesh ji) available here svfonline.net

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