MustRead Eternal wisdom from the enlightened Master

A pilgrim once posed these inquiries to His Holiness (more than a century ago): Is idol worship right? God is omnipresent and omniscient, so is it right to limit the all-pervasive God to a lifeless, inanimate object? Is it correct to worship historical persons like Rama and Krishna? The foreigners mock us due to these practices.

4/23/20242 min read

#MustRead Eternal wisdom from the enlightened Master

A pilgrim once posed these inquiries to His Holiness (more than a century ago): Is idol worship right? God is omnipresent and omniscient, so is it right to limit the all-pervasive God to a lifeless, inanimate object? Is it correct to worship historical persons like Rama and Krishna? The foreigners mock us due to these practices.

His Holiness: God is indeed almighty and all-pervasive. His omniscience cannot be comprehended by the ordinary mind. The ancient Rishis after deep meditation saw his various forms and names and realized his true aspect. We cannot conceive his true form. Therefore, we use idols as a symbol of God as they help us fix our minds on Him. You say that he is all-pervasive. Does that not mean that he is present in idols as well? Thus the use of idols for worship is not incorrect. Those who worship the idols do not regard them as objects made of metals or stones. They regard them as God Himself and offer worship with intense devotion and love.

Worshipping Rama and Krishna as Gods is not wrong because they are incarnations of God. God incarnated as a human being, as Rama and Krishna, to end the suffering of his devotees. Incarnations often happen for the spiritual and moral well-being of the people. The westerners may regard our traditions and beliefs with contempt. But why should we be worried about their outlook? The practice of tolerance is one of the greatest universal ideas of Sanatana Dharma. courtesy ahambrahmaasmi. org

We look upon Westerners with reverence and feel that they are always right. However, this attitude is not correct, and it is dangerous. We must look to our scriptures with love and admiration. Rama and Krishna are not merely human beings. They are God's incarnations, who took human birth to uplift the humanity from moral fall and rescue them from peril.

There are innumerable instances of idol worship in our scriptures. Idol worship is beneficial for an unsteady mind because it paves the way for Nirgunaupasana, i.e. contemplation on the formless Brahman.

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