Jagadguru #SriSri #Chandrashekara Bharathi Mahaswamiji on the glory of the 'Paduka' :


A sanyasi staying in the Math used to visit the Adhisthana of the previous Acharyal daily. Once Sri Jagadguru asked him why he goes to the Narasimhavana every day. When the Sanyasin said that it was to have the darshan of the shrine, Sri Jagadguru asked why he had to come inspite of some difficulties even when he had the sacred Padukas of Acharyal in his room. The Sanyasin said that since he could prostrate before the original Adhishthana, he wanted to utilise the opportunity. Sri Jagadguru then pointed out the fallacy of his thinking that the Padukas were only substitutes and how substitutes always remained substitutes unless one had the correct attitude. He advised him to sit before the Padukas and visualise the Acharyal standing on them and meditate.

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