Bhagavatpada affirmed the possibility of complete self-fullfillment or liberation in this very life by appropriate self-discipline

Unlike some of the world's great philosophers, Sri Shankara was not a mere metaphysician. His philosophy was reared on the foundation of a truly religious life based on self-discipline. Sri Shankara postulated the reality of the world as the theatre of the drama of life oriented to a spiritual purpose.

4/23/20241 min read

Unlike some of the world's great philosophers, Sri Shankara was not a mere metaphysician. His philosophy was reared on the foundation of a truly religious life based on self-discipline. Sri Shankara postulated the reality of the world as the theatre of the drama of life oriented to a spiritual purpose. To the man Diving into the world, he affirmed its factual nature. But he made a distinction between a fact and a reality. According to him, when the drama was over and fulfilled itself in realisation, when the curtain was rung down, and the audience had melted away, the actors lose their finite separateness and lapse into the Infinite. Truly understood, Shankara's Vedanta is not a world-negating philosophy. Sri Shankara established the sovereignty of reason in the quest of the Spirit. He accepted the ancillary role of Karma (action) and Bhakti (devotion) in this enterprise. He affirmed the possibility of complete self-fulfilment or liberation (moksha) in this very life by appropriate self-discipline. courtesy ahambrahmaasmi. org

The body of philosophic and bhakti literature which he composed is amazing in volume, variety and depth. It caters to both the little one learning to speak and the silent meditator absorbed in contemplating the Supreme. Sri Shankara's devotional literature ranged from the lyric of #BhajaGovindam to the mystic poetry of Saundarya Lahari. To him, all religious practices, all forms of devotional worship, have meaning and value only in so far as they are for the aspirant, the expressions of the under-lying unity.

Sri Shankara did not merely teach and inspire; he established four seats of the spiritual order to maintain the vitality of the Sanatana Dharma as re-established by him. They have been functioning down the centuries through an unbroken succession, among them, the Sringeri Sharada Peetha is the earliest and foremost. - K M Munshi

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