A #MustRead on #Dhyana #Meditation


उपासनं च यथाशास्त्रं तुल्यप्रत्ययसन्ततिरसङ्कीर्णा च अतत्प्रत्ययैः शास्त्रोक्तालम्बनविषया च (तैत्तिरीयोपनिषद्भाष्यम्)

Upasana, meditation, is an unbroken and uniform flow of knowledge in accordance with shastra. There should be no knowledge of anything apart from the object of meditation. The object of meditation must be in accordance with shastra. The word meditation stands for incessant remembrance of a sacred object. Even this is to be according to a Shastri injunction. The holy object meditated upon should also be known by Shastra. These meditations are taught in #Shandilya vidya, #Dahara vidya, #Upakosala vidya etc. in the #Upanishads. For any seeker it is difficult to concentrate and meditate upon the attributeless Brahman. Hence, a symbol is described by shastra. The Acharya says एकमपि हि ब्रह्म विभूतिभेदैरनेकधा उपास्यत इति स्थितिः (ब्रह्मसूत्रभाष्यम्) ( although Brahman is one, it is meditated upon as many because of its diverse powers). Many forms of divine glory are only diverse powers of Brahman. The Sun, Fire, Shiva, Vishnu etc. are Brahman manifestations of divine glory. While meditating on one god,the thought of another object should not occur. Continuous flow of knowledge of that one object can be called dhyana. तैलधारावत् सन्ततः अविच्छिन्नप्रत्ययो ध्यानम्। (श्रीमद्भगवद्गीताभाष्यम्) Such meditation helps in getting the knowledge of Brahman by cleansing the mind.
- From Yugapurusha Shankara by #Mahamahopadyaya Vid Sri N Ranganatha Sharma

#SanatanaDharma #AdiShankaracharya #Sringeri #Vedanta #Spirituality