🧵08/10 of our Mini-series on account of 73rd #Vardhanti Mahotsava(Birth anniversary) of #Jagadguru #Shankaracharya Sri Sri Bharati Tirtha Mahaswamiji:


Words of His Holiness Sri Sri Shankara Bharati Swamiji of vedantabharati.org / Yoganandeshwara Saraswati Math:

Sri Adi Shankaracharya extols the Guru and reverentially salutes the Guru Parampara at a number of places in His Prakarana Granthas & Upadesha Sahasri. At one place, Bhagavatpada states that just as a lamp resplendent by itself throws light on the objects around it, the all-knowing Mahatmas, well versed in the Pada-Shastra (Vyakarana), Vakya-Shastra (Mimamsa) and Pramana-Shastra (Nyaya), throw light on the esoteric essence of the Vedas. Salutations to these Mahatmas in the Guru Parampara! –
पदवाक्यप्रमाणज्ञैर्दीपभूतैः प्रकाशितम् ।
ब्रह्म वेदरहस्यं यैस्तान्नित्यं प्रणतोऽस्म्यहम् ॥
Just as Adi Shankaracharya remembered the Parampara of Gurus preceding Him, all of us must remember the Jagadgurus of Sringeri and offer our salutations to Them. The Jagadgurus are most proficient in the Shastras, and well-endowed with the power of immense Tapas and Anushthaana, while upholding the Sampradaya. Jagadguru Shankaracharya Sri Sri Bharati Tirtha Mahasannidhanam is a beacon light of knowledge for all.

रूपं तदोजस्वि तदेव वीर्यं तदेव नैसर्गिकं उन्नतत्वं ।
न कारणात्स्वाद्बिभिदे कुमारः प्रवर्तितो दीप इव प्रदीपात् || (रघुवंशम्/पञ्चमः सर्गः

As Kalidasa describes, when one lamp is lit from another lamp, there is no difference between the first lamp and the lamp lit, such is the Sringeri Guruparampara. With the knowledge, penance, compassion, affection and asceticism of the previous Gurus, I am blessed to have such a Guru as Sri Mahasannidhanam & consider it the result of meritorious deeds in many past lives.

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