🧵07/10 of our Mini-series on account of 73rd #Vardhanti Mahotsava(Birth anniversary) of #Jagadguru #Shankaracharya Sri Sri Bharati Tirtha Mahaswamiji:


07/10 of our Mini-series on account of 73rd #Vardhanti Mahotsava(Birth anniversary) of #Jagadguru #Shankaracharya Sri Sri Bharati Tirtha Mahaswamiji:

During an Anugraha Bhashanam, speaking on the greatness of Sri #AdiShankaracharya #Bhagavatpada, Sri Sannidhanam explained that Bhagavatpada established the correct import of the Vedas through His commentaries and travelled throughout the country gracing innumerable people.

As the Shrutis (#Vedas), Smritis, and the various #Rishis may "seem to state" differing opinions on matters pertaining to #Dharma, we have to look up to a great personage to understand the nuances of Dharma. courtesy ahambrahmaasmi. org

श्रुतिर्विभिन्ना स्मृतयश्च भिन्नाः नैको मुनिर्यस्य वचः प्रमाणम् ।
धर्मस्य तत्त्वं निहितं गुहायां महाजनो येन गतः स पन्थाः ॥

Jagadguru Sri Adi Shankara Bhagavatpada is that great personage who showed us all the true import of Vedic Dharma.

Sri Sannidhanam recounted a famous verse highlighting the greatness of #Vedanta and Bhagavatpada –

शास्त्रं शारीरमीमांसा देवस्तु परमेश्वरः ।
आचार्याः शङ्कराचार्याः सन्तु मे जन्मजन्मनि ॥

(How many ever be the births I have to take, may the Vedanta Shastra be my Shastra, Parameshwara be my Lord and Sri Adi Shankaracharya be my Acharya)

Bhagavatpada Himself has defined the Guru as one who has known the Vedanta Tattva and ever strives for the upliftment of the disciple – अधिगततत्त्वः शिष्यहिताय उद्यतः सततम्. It is our fortune that we have such a Guru for us in Jagadguru Sri Bharati Tirtha Mahasannidhanam. Recounting that His Guru had taught Him all the Shastras and had blessed Him with the holy order of Sannyasa, Sri Sannidhanam stated that the second line of the above verse could very well be chanted “आचार्याः भारतीतीर्थाः सन्तु मे जन्मजन्मनि”.

#Sringeri #shankaracharya #SanatanaDharma #sanatandharma #Hinduism #Rishis #Sages #AdiShankara #Guru #Parampara